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Explorers’ Gala

October 1, 2025

Sponsor Levels

Explorer Sponsor

1 available; presenting sponsor 
  • Sponsor may have a representative on the event planning committee
  • Two (2) tables placed near the head table
    Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Two (2) seats at the head table
  • Sponsor’s fourteen (14) guests invited to a private greeting with VIP guests that will include a group photo
  • Sponsor recognized during CEO remarks at the dinner
  • Sponsor’s name listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites, on event signage, and in the program
  • Two (2) corporate membership cards; each admits for one year the cardholder accompanied by up to five guests for unlimited visits

Navigator Sponsor

1 Available; reception sponsor
  • One (1) table placed near the head table. Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Sponsor’s six (6) guests invited to a private greeting with VIP guests that will include a group photo
  • Sponsor’s name listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites, on event signage, and in the program
  • Two (2) corporate membership cards; each card admits for one year the cardholder accompanied by up to five guests for unlimited visits

Pioneer Sponsor

1 available; speaker
  • One (1) table placed near the head table
    Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Sponsor’s six (6) guests invited to a private greeting with VIP guest 
  • Private meeting and photo with the featured speaker
  • One (1) corporate membership card that admits for one year the cardholder accompanied by up to five guests for unlimited visits
  • Sponsor’s name listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites, on event signage, and in the program

Astronaut Sponsor

multiple available
  • One (1) table marked with sponsor’s name and given preferential placement
    Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Invitation for two to private greeting with VIP guests
  • Sponsor’s name listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites, on event signage, and in the program
  • One (1) corporate card that card admits for one year the cardholder accompanied by up to five guests for unlimited visits

Pilot Sponsor

multiple available
  • One (1) table marked with sponsor’s name
    Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Sponsor’s name is listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites and in the program
Brenda Carr

Have questions about sponsorships?

Sponsoring an event is a great way to support the mission of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. I look forward to chatting with you.