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Space Camp Changes Lives

At Space Camp, our STEM based (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education camps use the excitement of U.S. and international space programs to ignite our trainee’s interest in STEM learning. Our unique program line up of Space Camp, Aviation Challenge, U.S. Cyber Camp, and Robotics Camp offer real world applications and are a proven work force development tool. Trainees participate in a multi-discipline learning environment focused on leadership, teamwork, and the importance of exploration in a variety of career fields.

Space Camp scholarships launch the explorers of tomorrow by offering this unique experience to a trainee that otherwise may not have the opportunity to attend.Donations of all amounts are welcome, and each donation helps to send students to a camp experience that can impact them for a lifetime.

A donation of $1,700 funds a full scholarship to a weeklong camp. Donate today to impact the explorers of tomorrow!

Apply for a Scholarship

Student Scholarships have been awarded for Summer 2024.
Applications for Summer 2025 will open in Fall 2024.

  • Scholarships for the Space Camp® family of programs are awarded to students who can demonstrate a financial need. A financial need form is included within the application, and applicants may be asked to provide additional documentation such as proof of qualification for free/reduced lunch and/or tax documentation.

Applicants must:

  • Be 9 to18 years old and have completed grades 3 through 12 by Summer 2024
  • Answer an essay question
  • Design and describe a mission patch
  • Describe a science project using the scientific method or engineering design process
  • Upload a copy of a form (provided in the application) from your school verifying enrollment and grade point average.

Tribute and Named Scholarships

If donations for a memorial or tribute scholarship are sufficient to fund a full camp tuition prior to that year’s scholarship award date, a scholarship is given in the individual’s name. At the request of the organizer or family member, the U.S. Space & Rocket Center Education Foundation may post a photo and brief information for up to 12 months.

If donations total less than the tuition, the funds roll into the general scholarship account to be combined with other donations used to send children to camp. If a memorial or tribute scholarship has a substantial balance to fund scholarships for more than one year or receives funding annually for at least one scholarship, the memorial or tribute designation may continue.

2024-25 Scholarships

Sponsored Scholarships

Army Space Missile Defense Association
Cyber Huntsville 
Honeywell Hometown Solutions
Northrop Grumman
Paul George Foundation
Sian Proctor Foundation 
SCI VIS, camp for visually impaired students

General Scholarships

Awareness Ministry
Bob Gilmore
Brian Little Memorial
Brian White Memorial
Chris Bean Memorial
Chris Heisel and Erica Endicott
Christian Kennerly Memorial
David Dimond Memorial
Davidson Technologies
Fred Edwards
Fred Wessel Memorial
Frederick Bourgeois Memorial
Glen Beatty Memorial
Jack LaFollette Memorial
Jesse Bennett Memorial
John B. Chase Memorial
John Jordan Foundation
Josh Niedfeldt Memorial
Keough Family Foundation
Megan Williams Memorial
Michael Miller Memorial
Mike Adams Memorial
Paco Hickam Memorial
Scott Mattson
Scot Rubin Memorial
Sherry Stutts
Space Camp Hall of Fame
SparkJoy Foundation
Stanley Geddings Memorial
Stella Abel Memorial
Chelsea Tischler
Tommy Holman Memorial
Trash Pandas
Air Force Association (TN Valley Chapter)
Army Aviation Association of America (Quad A)
Aviation Foundation
Bastrop NJROTC
Danny’s Rocket Ranch
Gary Griffin Memorial
National Space Club
Failure is Not an Option
Janice Voss Memorial
King George Foundation
Marine Well Containment Company
Keith Massey

Space Academy for Educators

Space Academy for Educators is a 5-day residence program for professional development that includes STEAM activities, leadership training, and team building. During their program, teachers will hear from an astronaut, industry leaders, and authors to deepen their understanding of the space program of today. They will then use the backdrop of space as they go through workshops filled with activities to take back to their classrooms. In addition, they will participate in missions and simulations that develop teamwork and critical thinking skills, putting them outside their comfort zone, and pushing their boundaries. The cohort that educators attend with become lifelong friends as well as colleagues, allowing for continued networking opportunities, idea sharing, and fertile ground for new development.

Apply for an Educator Scholarship

Space Academy for Educator Scholarships applications are now open for Summer 2024! Please note that these scholarships are awarded based on location.

Support a Teacher

Donations of all amounts are welcome, and each donation helps to send an educator through our program and bring back their experiences to their classrooms to inspire even more future explorers.

A donation of $1,000 funds a full scholarship to weeklong Space Academy for Educators. 

John B.E. Chase

Contact us to learn how you can endow a scholarship.

Endowed Scholarships

An endowed scholarship establishes a legacy and support for future campers. They are designed to be permanent and perpetual, using interest/earnings from donated funds. Those wishing to endow a scholarship that turns around funds for an annual tuition meet a minimum donation calculated to produce future available income

We have several endowed scholarships. One example is the John B.E. Chase Scholarship. Others can be found at the bottom of this listing along with contact information to learn more about each fund.

John B. E. Chase served in the U.S. Army Air Corp and Air Force reserves. He graduated from The Citadel Military College of South Carolina in 1950 with an electrical engineering degree. Thereafter, he began a civil service career with the Civil Aeronautics Administration in Atlanta and continued with TVA in Chattanooga. In 1956, he began work on Redstone Arsenal with the U. S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency and later with NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, serving with Dr. Wernher von Braun, Dr. Walter Haussermann and others.

Upon retiring from NASA, he worked at Control Dynamics and did private consulting. Chase was also the first director for the Enhanced 911 Center in Huntsville-Madison County.

Mr. Chase was also a founding member of Trinity United Methodist Church, sang in the choir and served on numerous church, school and neighborhood committees. Mr. Chase was the primary inspiration for and then served as the chairman and secretary of the board of directors for Carlton Cove, now Magnolia Trace Continuing Care Retirement Community in Huntsville.

Mr. Chase has both an annual scholarship and an endowed scholarship that serve as a tribute to his contributions to our country, the U.S. space program and his community.

Other available endowed scholarships:

  • Dr. Deborah Edwards Barnhart
  • Sam Eisen Memorial Scholarship
  • Roberto Goisueta Scholarship
  • Gary Griffin Memorial Scholarship
  • Jim Hudson Family Scholarship
  • Polly Lucas Space Academy for Educators Memorial Scholarship
  • Mevatec Corporation Scholarship
  • Christopher Wagster
Lindsay Adams

Have questions about scholarships?

I’d love to help you create a scholarship to honor or memorialize a loved one.