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Reunion Weekend
Space Camp Alumni Reunion Weekend 2024 Recap

2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

Col. Heather Bogstie

Cindy Mahler
A few of Cindy’s post-camp achievements are shared here as highlights of her 25+ year aerospace career. They serve as a testimony for how one incredible week of belonging at Space Academy Level II as a sophomore in high school cemented her passion and desire to make a difference in the aerospace field.
As an early career engineer for United Space Alliance at NASA Johnson Space Center, Cindy was responsible for negotiating with Russian counterparts the International Space Station (ISS) Motion Control System joint astronaut and cosmonaut training programs. This redefined how training for ISS expedition missions was conducted so crew members learned how the systems worked together to operate the station. The success of integrated training led to a reduction in crew member training from 4 to 2.5 years. NASA astronauts awarded Cindy a Silver Snoopy Award, an achievement given to less than 1% of the workforce, for this great accomplishment just 3 years out of college.
Cindy has worked for The Boeing Company since 2003 supporting numerous NASA programs including Shuttle, ISS, Constellation, Commercial Crew and Space Launch System. In 2014, Cindy led and executed Boeing’s Commercial Crew Integrated Critical Design Review (CDR) bringing together 9 Integrated Product Teams including suppliers to produce over 1400 products and 77 presentations adhering to NASA and Boeing review entrance/exit criteria and standards. This was a critical time in the commercial crew journey as the team was asked to flawlessly execute at the end of a contract while the future of the program was unknown due to the next phase proposal efforts being underway. Cindy’s leadership was praised by Boeing and NASA and she received a Boeing Leadership Award as a result.
In 2019, Cindy graduated from the Boeing Leadership Next (LX) program representing the top 0.4% highest performers who aspire to move into formal or technical leadership. Participation in the 2-year program allowed Cindy numerous opportunities not only to network and be exposed to Boeing operations around the country and the globe but to also lean into challenging roles outside of directly supporting NASA programs.
During her time in LX, she worked for Boeing’s HorizonX organization as the first Space Commercialization Strategy Lead strategically integrating across Boeing businesses, customers, non-traditional partners and startups to identify, evaluate and test new technologies and business models. She successfully investigated whether there are new $B space markets that Boeing could shape including Low Earth Orbit (LEO) and Lunar commercialization opportunities and aligned globally available technologies with business unit needs to aid competitive and strategic advantage. In June of 2021, Cindy was published in Boeing’s Innovation Quarterly Magazine. In October 2020, Cindy joined Boeing Research & Technology (and later Boeing’s Enterprise Technology Office) to direct and manage a multi-million-dollar global Research and Development (R&D) program and team investing in early Technical Readiness Level (TRL) research aligned to Boeing priorities and technical focus areas at key partner universities. This also includes running a global PhD work experience internship program to attract and build relationships with critical skilled talent that has a high transition rate to full-time employment.
In April 2023, Cindy was selected as a Purdue Outstanding Aerospace Engineer. The award recognizes just 2% of the department’s alumni for their professional contributions demonstrating excellence in industry, academia, or governmental service and reflecting the value of a Purdue aerospace engineering degree.

Kevin Metrocavage

Maria Nickel

Eileen Velez
I have been blessed with a great profession and health, but with great privilege comes the great responsibility of helping others. My technical achievements and contributions to the engineering and aviation industry and my community involvement are the most rewarding experiences in my life because I can share them with family, friends, and colleagues. I am excited to share these with the Space Camp community as well. I will always be grateful for my science teacher that organized the Space Camp trip while I was in the 10th grade in the small town of Sabana Grande. A significant part of my engineering journey and my success in life has been because of Space Camp and I tell my story at every STEM camp and event that I attend as a speaker for children. I remember selling many chocolates as a fundraiser so I could attend Space Camp and my mom and dad also sold “bacalaitos” at the town’s Christmas festival so I could attend Space Camp. My family had limited financial resources, so I learned very early on, the importance of sacrifice and work ethic to achieve my goals. And even though this was before attending Space Camp it was all part of the special experience that got me there!
I truly believe my success as an engineer in the aviation industry began as a Space Camp participant. In 2003, I graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez (UPRM). During my college years at UPRM, I was selected to participate in the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center Advanced Projects Office in the Undergraduate Research Program (USRP) in Huntsville, Alabama. My experience at Space Camp inspired me to apply for a NASA internship. During my time at Marshall, I was selected to extend my research program and I became a NASA Coop Student for two years. During my internship at NASA, I worked on the space elevator concept researching advanced structural materials and construction innovation as well as electromagnetic fields for vehicle launches. Upon graduation, I accepted a research civil engineer position as part of an Academic Excellence Scholar program with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi.
From 2003-06, I was a research civil engineer in the USACE ERDC Geotechnical and Structures Laboratory, Airfields and Pavements Branch in project management, research and development of pavement management, non-destructive testing, soil stabilization, and rubblization of concrete pavements for the Department of Defense.
In 2006, I changed paths and accepted a position with Kimley-Horn in Florida to work in the design and construction of airport infrastructure. My focus was on constructability and development of airport infrastructure projects to ensure the continued safe and effective operation of the airports during construction. I also served as Operations Manager for the Statewide Airport Pavement Management Program for the Florida Department of Transportation which included 95 public use airports in Florida and I was responsible for the construction cost estimating and fee proposals in state and federal airport funding.
I’ve also published more than 11 technical airfield pavement rehabilitation publications.
In 2014, I relocated to manage the Kimley-Horn Puerto Rico office and during my tenure I grew the office business winning multiple contracts with the PR Ports Authority, the San Juan Luis Muñoz Marin International Airport (SJU), the PR Highway and Transportation Authority, as well as private retail/commercial clients. I’ve managed multi-disciplinary projects ranging from aviation, telecommunications, permitting, structural and site assessments, retail land development and environmental.
In 2017, immediately after Hurricanes Irma and Maria, I led an assessment team for private retail clients to provide emergency structural and site assessments in PR and St Thomas. The projects included building and site structural assessments of more than 2.1 million square feet of commercial area. My team worked under emergency conditions with limited resources such as power, water, fuel, and communications and our work contributed to the PR rebuilding efforts.
In 2020, I was appointed as the first woman to become Secretary of the Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTOP) of Puerto Rico working in the Governor’s cabinet. I lead DTOP’s historical state and federal funding for the transportation system recovery from Hurricanes Maria and Fiona and lead public policy for the maintenance and rehabilitation of more than 5,000 miles of state roads, the multimodal systems including maritime, rail and buses as well as safety education and driver motor vehicle services in the island with a budget of more than $1.5 Billion.