Spooky Space Spectacular
October 25, 2025
Sponsor Levels
Outer Space Sponsorship
1 available; presenting
- Company name and logo featured on Spooky Space Spectacular electronic billboard visible from I-565, signage at the event, emails promoting the event, and on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites
- Twenty (20) tickets to the event (Bring your family or employees to join the fun!)
Door Sponsorship
10 available
- Trick-or-Treat door branded with your logo and company name
- Company logo listed on event signage and in emails promoting the event
- Eight (8) tickets to the event
Activity Table Sponsorship
multiple available
- Company name and logo listed on event signage and in emails promoting the event
- Four (4) tickets to the event

Have questions about sponsorships?
Sponsoring an event is a great way to support the mission of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. I look forward to chatting with you.