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Year of Aviation

Join us at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in 2025 as we salute the Year of Aviation and learn about Alabama’s historic role in aviation

Sponsor Levels

Presenting Sponsor

1 available

This presenting sponsorship puts your company name on all the events and educational activities at the USSRC during this yearlong salute to aviation. The Rocket Center annually hosts hundreds of thousands of guests from all 50 states and dozens of countries around the world.

  • Sponsor’s name listed on USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites, promotional advertising, printing, and signage for all events and educational activities related to the Year of Aviation
  • Sponsor may provide a display at the aviation-themed hands-on activities in the museum

Film Series

1 available

The yearlong tribute to aviation will feature a film each month that is anticipated to include box office favorites such as Top Gun and documentaries on the Tuskegee Airmen and the Mercury 13. Speakers and/or panels will provide insights about the movies and aviation, and some movie nights will include hands-on activities.

  • One (1) table marked with sponsor’s name at the Year of Aviation Gala
    Table seats six with two additional seats reserved for VIP guests.
  • Six reserved seats for each movie
  • Opportunity to meet the speaker or panel members prior to the movie
  • Sponsor’s name listed as presenting sponsor on advertising for the film series, on the screen prior to each movie and on the USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites
  • Two (2) corporate membership cards; each card admits for one year the cardholder accompanied by up to five guests for unlimited visits

Featured Movie

5 available

Six reserved seats for sponsored movie

  • Opportunity to meet the speaker or panel members prior to the movie
  • Sponsor’s name listed as event sponsor on screen prior to the movie
  • Sponsor’s name listed on the USSRC and USSRC Education Foundation websites
Brenda Carr

Have questions about sponsorships?

Sponsoring an event is a great way to support the mission of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. I look forward to chatting with you.